“Blessed be the Lord, my rock, Who trains my hands for war,And my fingers for battle;… ” Psalm 144:1 NAS I remember in the early days when we first moved to Thailand in 1999. Josiah was eight years old and ready to start 3rd grade. At that time the three of us: Debbie, Josiah and […]
Recent News for ‘General’
As the lovely fall air cools down from summer warmth, and sweaters and jackets start coming out, I step into another milestone: after an absence of 2 years, I am returning to Asia to work and minister with my husband!! Woot! First, we will join in a gathering of some of our dearest friends on […]
Many known prophets in the body of Christ have declared that 2016 would be a year of Acceleration. I don’t know about you but for Debbie and I, it is proving to be just that. Things are moving at a much faster pace than we have expected and it is exciting! We are deeply encouraged […]
“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” Revelation 11:15 NAS ‘It all depends on how you look at it…’ is a phrase that comes up often in discussions. Religious ideals, politics and family matters are all open to ideas […]
We are blessed to be walking through the doors of opportunity that the Lord is opening to us in Thailand, and the region. These next several weeks and months will prove to be meaningful and productive. * SEAPC Friends: Next month we are planning to attend the SEAPC annual Friends event in Malaysia. A time […]
What a great summer this has been!!! I feel like I finally have experienced a true Pennsylvania summer, with days so sunny one could delight in entering a pool, and weather so humid it made all of our hair frizz!! It is nice before heading into another cold winter to feel as if we truly […]