One of the promises we have as followers of Christ is to become like Jesus in thought, word, and deed. Our internal world [what is happening on the inside by the Spirit] matches or reflects what is taking place or is being lived out on the outside so that our Christianity is both seen and […]
Recent News for ‘General’
Throughout this year we continue to offer teaching and training to the faculty and students of Emmanuel Theological Seminar (ETS) in Kalaymyo, Myanmar. This was one of our teacher cohorts earlier this year. Each of these online trainings are designed to assist with course development, classroom delivery, spiritual gifting and impartation. They are well into […]
How we love the change of seasons. It refreshes our souls and reminds us of happy times in years gone by. This year we are especially happy to find ourselves home together at the same time for Thanksgiving (have been on different places or continents for a few of the past) and the blessing of […]
“When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, O Lord, I shall seek.” Psalms 27:8 NASB While living in Thailand in 2014, Dan and I experienced 3 large earthquakes: a 5.8, a 6.0 and a 5.9 one right after the other in quick succession. It was during a time of […]
How many of you have ever heard it said that change is here to stay? It’s one of those phrases in life that is used to explain that change is one of many constants in our lives. You can count on it – change is here to stay! Using our critical thinking skills, if that […]
Across the globe the Lord is raising up the next generation of harvest workers. They are those who have hearkened unto the voice of the Lord to consecrate themselves for such a time as this. This new breed of Christ followers may look and sound different. Often times appearing to be much younger than what […]