“So Moses declared to the sons of Israel the appointed times of the Lord.” Leviticus 23:44 NAS I have always enjoyed reading places in the Bible where there appears to be special moments of time that the Lord has appointed: Preplanned, or preordained, if you will, for things to occur in our lives that seem […]
Recent News for ‘General’
February is proving to be a month of getting back into travel mode. We are attending a conference at Bethel Church in Redding CA, on the how to’s of setting up a Supernatural School of Ministry. We are excited to learn more the admin side of what goes into this type of school so that […]
“But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle because the harvest has come.” Mark 4:29 NAS Casting out our eyes upon the open spaces of 2017, I see: Harvest. A harvest heavy, fully ripened and waiting. I see in my prayer closet, workers raised up from prayer communities who are standing with […]
During last month’s visit to the Isaan region, (the northeast region of Thailand) our Firstlight Area Team shared the gospel with many in several villages. People came to Christ and others were healed after receiving prayer, in Jesus Name! One lady in particular, (on the left) was wheel chair bound and could not walk. However, […]
Greetings FirstLight Family, It has been our supreme joy to partner with you in the nation of Thailand. This past October, my family of seven were serving alongside Dan and Debbie during a true hour of history being made in Thailand! As you most likely know, Thailand lost its long-reigning king on October 13, 2016. […]
Happy New Year 2017! Debbie and I so much enjoyed our Christmas and Holiday season. Josiah came in for a ten day visit from Seattle and it was soooooo ….. gooood to have him home again with us here in Pittsburgh. The three of us had hours of unbroken conversation, shared lots of snuggles, watched […]