“There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.” John 1:9 NAS In the fullness of time…God sent His son into the world. This is a verse that Christians often equate with the Christmas season. But this verse is PREGNANT with the plan, the purpose and the will of God. The […]
Recent News for ‘General’
Your prayers and financial giving each month has brought forth a bountiful harvest of righteousness in places like: Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and China, this year. With your help throughout this year, the work of Firstlight International has prospered and God’s kingdom is advancing through Health, Education, Moral, Economic, and Community Development. On behalf of the […]
As I pause to reflect on this past year I am caught with emotion. Gratitude, so deep, I cannot hold back the tears. This year began so weak. So very, very weak for me. For us really, because my beloved husband never left my side through the darkest tunnel of my life. Helping me, taking […]
The SEAPC “Friends Around the Table” event took place in Melacca, Malaysia last month with over 100 attendees. What a joy to celebrate with Friends from 35 different countries, all coming together to celebrate what the Lord is doing in some of the 75 countries where SEAPC partners are serving in ministry. We had seven […]
“And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.” Mark 16:20 NAS Just before Josiah was born, the Lord spoke a guiding word over our lives through Bro. Costa Dier. In an altar call, we knelt together. I opened my heart wide […]
November is a season for giving thanks, and I am so, so thankful for the many graces and blessings the Lord has poured into our lives this year. This year began facing the mountain of cancer. Then, just as suddenly as the diagnosis had come and taken over our lives for months on end, that […]