“Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:13 NAS I have always been amazed by the story Jesus used in Matthew chapter eighteen to illustrate to His disciples the need for us to remain child like in our Christian faith. […]
Recent News for ‘General’
These are the students of the Emmanuel Theological Seminary (ETS) in Kalaymyo, Myanmar. My time of teaching there last month was great! During their Spiritual Emphasis Week 2016 – 2017, I taught on the subjects of: The Outer Man v. The Inner Man, The Old Man v. The New Man, and the need for us […]
On July 11, 2016 I was asked to take part in launching the Asia Fathering Centre in Bangkok, Thailand with John Paul Sprecher, Forerunning Flame International, (FFI). In this opening meeting, there were a cross section representing a good number of churches that John Paul serves in Thailand. After much prayer, planning and preparation this […]
To say that we are ‘busy and blessed’ is an understatement. Many in the Body of Christ have declared 2016 to be a year of ‘Acceleration’. And I would have to agree. My last time out it was two countries: Myanmar & Thailand, 19 airplanes, 12 cities, in 31 days! It is certainly an opportune […]
“But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Galatians 6:14 NAS The cross is universally recognized today as a symbol of Christianity even by those who have no idea its connection […]
Thai kids are great! They so much enjoy the simple things in life even if its learning English on Saturday! Children like these are hungry to learn – not just any subject but English in particular. And because of that our Firstlight Area Teams are always looking for ways to bring Christ into the context […]