“But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle because the harvest has come.” Mark 4:29 NAS
Casting out our eyes upon the open spaces of 2017, I see: Harvest. A harvest heavy, fully ripened and waiting. I see in my prayer closet, workers raised up from prayer communities who are standing with them even as they go. Workers whose reach will go as far as those prayer communities faith stretches. Because this is how it works: ‘for how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach, unless they are sent?” Romans 10:14
Harvest. Now. For through this unprecedented time in human history, the Lord is tearing up the stumbling blocks to His kingdom going forth in every direction. Air travel, open borders, internet connections have made communications not only easier, but at lightning speeds. Literally, in real time there are people who are ministering to Muslims and Hindus and seekers of all back grounds, all over the internet, in private messages and open forums. Where some choose to argue and postulate, others choose to love, listen and A-postulate!! Ha! Now THERE’s a word! I think I just made it up.
They go forth, carrying only Jesus and Him crucified. Only His message of love, hope and reconciliation. If we die to ourselves and live for Him, then anything is possible. Anything and everywhere are suddenly at our door.
Harvest. Now. What does that look like to you? How do you see yourself in position to be a part of bringing in the mighty harvest that is waiting in this marvelous year? Will we be part of prayer communities, gathered around the ones being sent out, long trips, short trips. Committing to pray and give and stand with them as they go out on their assignment, allowing God to make it our assignment as well? For truly even as we see in that verse from Romans, it takes us all to bring the message of the Kingdom to every place.
Perhaps Harvest Now means that the Lord is tapping YOUR shoulder for a particular team, a particular trip, a particular assignment. Perhaps you are hearing about a mission opportunity, either in another country or right here in your own community? Perhaps your heart quickens when you hear people talking about that opportunity. Perhaps you are hearing, as I once did, ‘and you are going, too…”
Perhaps this is your year: 2017. Unprecedented opportunities await. A dear friend spoke to a missions group and one thing he said stuck as a motto for this coming year: Just show up. Lord! That is what I want to do this year. Blessed times await us, dear friends, as we look to Him. And just show up.
~ Debbie Ecker