Real Time

On February - 2 - 2017

“So Moses declared to the sons of Israel the appointed times of the Lord.” Leviticus 23:44 NAS

I have always enjoyed reading places in the Bible where there appears to be special moments of time that the Lord has appointed: Preplanned, or preordained, if you will, for things to occur in our lives that seem to come from ‘nowhere’ and BOOM it happens!

One could call it a breakthrough moment. Or an opportune time. An opening of time when God, who is Eternal, steps into our temporal lives and things are changed.

The greek word for this type of appointed time or breakthrough moment is the word Kairos. It’s when eternity crosses into temporality and changes the course of temporality from that point onward. When Jesus came to earth it was a Kairos moment. (Gal 4:4) In the fullness of time! When the Holy Spirt was first poured out in Acts chapter two, it was a Kairos moment. (Act 2:1) When the day of Pentecost had fully come. A point in time when the Lord says NOW! And there are many.

In the above verse, the appointed times of the Lord which Moses declared to the people were certain times of the year (basically three times a year) when they were to gather for worship at the tent of meetings to present certain kinds of offerings and sacrifices which the Lord required. Things like: First fruits offerings from their fields, grain offerings, offerings by fire, and other types of burn offerings.

The key was they were not to come before the Lord empty handed; and that also included a portion of their finances.

Further studies show that the offerings presented during these appointed times of the Lord where to be in addition to their daily offerings that were required. And it seems that what was offered during these special times released a greater measure of God’s presence and blessing into their lives until the next time they gathered. And that what took place during those appointed times of the Lord may not have happened during other times in their lives. They were special moments when God breaks through.

In 2017 don’t let yourself get stuck in what we know to be clock time. The dictionary describes time as “the point or period at which things occur.” In clock time all time passes equally. In most cases clock time is irrelevant. Because in real time, things happen! We need to make the shift from clock time to real time! In real time all time is relative. We don’t live in or access to clock time. In real time life occurs. Real time is created. It is the stuff that takes place on a daily basis where those appointed times – Kairos moments are happening all the time in our thoughts, conversations, actions and deeds. Real time is here!

~ Dan Ecker

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