If there is one thing that the issues related to Covid19 has taught us over the past twelve weeks, it is to not allowing oneself to lose focus of the big picture of what life is intended to be. The key for each of us is to do our best to keep moving forward in […]
Recent News for ‘General’
In the midst of pandemic, we have been keeping track of our family and friends. I have been Facetiming with my mom, and, hopefully when you read this, I will have gone out to join my family to celebrate her 90th birthday! Happy birthday, Mom. Your love and kind example have set such standard for […]
“…walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us…” Ephesians 5:2b NAS If our lives and the living beings of the world were one big, amalgamated video on a giant screen, then for nearly 3 months SOMEONE hit ‘Pause’. 2020 burst out of the gates with excitement, joy, anticipation, […]
Over the past few months plans have changed again and again. Thinking I would only be home for 3-4 months, now already turning into a much longer stay. From the trip cancellation to Iraq with Partners Relief and Development to the South Sudan trip also being cancelled, the doors that were opened, soon closed. We […]
We are mindful of each other perhaps more than before these global events. Thankful for the people who have been able to keep their jobs and work from home. Josiah is among that crowd, and is safe and healthy in Seattle. Also mindful of those many who have lost theirs, or are still in suspended […]
“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:27 NASB Our relationship with Christ is a wonderful provision made by God toward we, who are most unworthy of such kind consideration. Our covenant relationship with God offers us so much! First and foremost, forgiveness and cleansing from every […]