Fall is lingering on, the leaves were spectacular this year, something we always missed in our years spent overseas. We are so excited that Josiah is going to be able to come and visit us for a week in November…it has been a year since we have seen him. I think the first few days […]
Recent News for ‘General’
“For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall.” Ephesians 2:14 NASB In the beginning years of the New Testament church the people of God were facing a challenge they had never before encountered. For thousands of years, Jewish people had fastidiously kept […]
Fall is fully upon us with the splendor of the changing leaves and VENISON in the freezer. Yes, Dan the Man shot his first deer of the season, an 8 point buck with his bow and he is definitely cockadoodledoing! Looking forward to many a curry night ahead. For me, it is time to get […]
As Jesus was making His triumphant entry into Jerusalem in John chapter twelve, He came in riding on a donkey’s colt. This was foretold long ago by the prophet Zechariah 9:9. There was quite a crowd that was gathered, not only from those who had come to see Lazarus, the man that Jesus raised from […]
“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. I Corinthians 1:18 NASB When Dan gave me the title for this newsletter, I barely had time to digest it, when, while reading an article from a British news […]
The book of Job in the bible is one of those books that challenges our thinking and our theology in ways that we are not normally used to. When reading Job’s story, the book of James tells us to consider the outcome of Job: The Lord is compassionate and merciful restored double to Job and […]