Myanmar Moments This was a time for breakthrough and renewal for many of the church members and leaders who were present each day. Those who attended came hungry for God; expectantly longing to be filled by Him. Towards the end of every service or teaching time the alters were opened to all needing or asking […]
Recent News for ‘General’
Run in such a way that you might win One of the highlights of our time in Myanmar was to address a group of students who are attending a private Christian school in Kalaymyo. The students were preparing for their annual exams and we were asked to stop by to encourage them. That night a […]
“And as the women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the Living One among the dead?” Luke 24:5 NAS My earliest memories of Easter services are of jubilant worship. Triumphant celebration reflected not only in the atmosphere of beautifully dressed children, resplendent with […]
This month marks one year since my father came to live with us. I want to share some things that make my father remarkable, and things I still am learning from him. 1. His kindness. He is gracious to those who help him, never failing to say ‘thank you.’ and to remember special days. No […]
One plants…another waters, but it is God who brings the increase! As you follow us along in the newsletters each month you will notice that a lot is being accomplished through a great team of dedicated people. Your prayers and financial giving supports the projects and ministry platforms that the Lord is using to advance […]
We are Grateful for Those Who are Standing with Us Debbie and I would like to express our deep appreciation to those of you who are standing with us in the work of Firstlight International each month. Your part is not taken lightly and we are grateful for the part that you have! Your prayers […]