Recent News for ‘General’

Just the other day in my daily bible reading, I came across an amazing story in the life of David that can be found in I Sam. 23:28: The Rock Of Escape! In the early years of his life, prior to his becoming the king of Israel, he was first chosen by the Lord, through […]

Categories: General

With the end of May, Dan and I celebrated 32 years of marriage. We went to Ohio Pyle State Park, a very special place for us. This is the park we went to when I was first beginning to shake the effects of chemo and radiation. It was the park we went with Josiah both […]

Categories: General

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” Philippines 2:5 NKJ Years ago, I found myself feeling adrift in my relationship with God. I was sad. I was depressed. I was somewhat angry. I longed for the Lord to put my heart back right again. The Lord in His abundant faithfulness […]

Categories: General

Samson kills the lion and goes back to find honey inside! After killing the lion in Judges chapter 14, Samson was returning from city, [for some strange reason] he turns off the path to revisit the lion that he had just killed days before. What he found inside was honey! Shortly after [in this story] […]

Categories: General

The month of May brings so many celebrations. Mother’s Day, will be the first in many years that my mother and I will be able to celebrate together! We are hoping to plant some flowers and set up a bird feeder or two so that we can enjoy our outside this spring and summer. Mother’s […]

Categories: General

Over three years ago, Partners Relief and Development (PRD) started their journey of bringing hope to many refugees and those affected by war in the Middle East! The focused efforts of PRD have included food and water distribution, rebuilding schools and clinics in Syria and financially supporting a local trauma center for the refugee children […]

Categories: General

How To Help

Sow a Year-End Financial Gift…

You can help Firstlight to finish strong in 2024 by sowing a “Year-End” financial gift today! Total Project Giving Goal: $55,000 We are putting together our project budgets and costs for 2025. A one-time “Year-End” financial gift of any size will help us to manage our financial commitments over the next 12 months. ~ Dan […]

Your Part Means so Much!

Thank you for your prayers and financial giving in 2021! For all that Firstlight International is doing in Thailand, and the nations surrounding this year you, too, have a part in all that is taking place! Thank you! The projects and ministry platforms that are in place are bringing forth wonderful fruit in the places […]

Partner With Us In 2021

Your prayers and financial giving this year will enable us to pursue a good number of projects and ministry platforms in 2021. With your help this year we are engaging in Kingdom Advance Partnerships with overseas national church leaders and ministries, providing Care For Kingdom Families in selected areas of Thailand, [through projects like REAP […]

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