Samson kills the lion and goes back to find honey inside!

After killing the lion in Judges chapter 14, Samson was returning from city, [for some strange reason] he turns off the path to revisit the lion that he had just killed days before. What he found inside was honey! Shortly after [in this story] he uses this experience to share a riddle as an attempt to deliver Israel from the Philistines. Samson’s riddle goes something like this: “Out of the eater came something to eat and out of something bitter came something sweet.” (Paraphrase see Judges 14:14) The take away here is that in life, stuff happens! And often times some really hard stuff! And there are times when we’ve got to go back and get the honey! The hardships, disappointments, even things that have come into our lives that were meant to harm us [like the lion in Samson’s case which he killed] and get the honey! The Lord uses everything! Taste and see that the Lord is good! .. A feast is waiting for you!

~ Dan Ecker

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Sow a Year-End Financial Gift…

You can help Firstlight to finish strong in 2024 by sowing a “Year-End” financial gift today! Total Project Giving Goal: $55,000 We are putting together our project budgets and costs for 2025. A one-time “Year-End” financial gift of any size will help us to manage our financial commitments over the next 12 months. ~ Dan […]

Your Part Means so Much!

Thank you for your prayers and financial giving in 2021! For all that Firstlight International is doing in Thailand, and the nations surrounding this year you, too, have a part in all that is taking place! Thank you! The projects and ministry platforms that are in place are bringing forth wonderful fruit in the places […]

Partner With Us In 2021

Your prayers and financial giving this year will enable us to pursue a good number of projects and ministry platforms in 2021. With your help this year we are engaging in Kingdom Advance Partnerships with overseas national church leaders and ministries, providing Care For Kingdom Families in selected areas of Thailand, [through projects like REAP […]

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