As we begin the second month of this year, Debbie and I would like to invite to join the journey as we follow the plans and purposes of God for 2021 and beyond! The featured articles, top stories, ministry news, prayer points, and the family news section of the newsletters each month is our way […]
Recent News for ‘General’
I am happy to share that I got a good report from my cardiologist recently regarding my most recent echocardiogram. They wanted to take a long look to see if there had been any more damage, or had I stayed the same? Well, she said the scans actually showed that my heart had IMPROVED from […]
“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:30 NKJ The Gap: standing in the middle between two forces doing their best to annihilate each other. […]
During the past few months, we were able to send $1,000 USD to help support children and families effected by the pandemic in Kalaymyo, Myanmar. They prayed and the Lord answered through your financial giving to Firstlight. Thank you! ~ Dan Ecker
This month beings a remarkable journey of following the Lord for another 12 months of missionary service across the great divide of 2021. Through a great team of dedicated people we will follow the Lord’s plans to carry out a successful journey along the path He has set for us each month. The challenges of […]
A new year! Perhaps we are not facing 2021 with quite the joy and exhilaration of years past. Trepidation? Fear? Dread? Oh. I pray all of these things fall away, as we set our eyes upon Jesus, who is ALWAYS the same and the Author and Finisher of our faith. He will not fail us. […]