“…behold water came from the direction of Edom, and the country was filled with water.” I Kings 3:20c NASB
In Thailand we came to understand that there were 3 seasons: the Hot Season, the Rainy Season, and the Cold Season (Dry Season). The Hot Season began in March, carried on, unremittingly, temperatures soaring above 100 F, and humidity increasing until around late May, when, finally, in the afternoons and evenings, it would rain. The winds would blow. The ground would soften and become saturated. And we all relaxed. The Rainy Season at last!
There are times in our lives when we have wandered into a dry and rocky hard place. We were enjoying verdant green pastures and streams of rejoicing. Suddenly, we notice the foliage around us failing. There are more and more rocks on our path, stumbling blocks that hinder our way. Before long, we are far past those refreshing streams and find ourselves in a parched, dry place. Our Dry Season.
Most of us have had more than one dry season in our lives. But, still, when that dryness comes again, it is a shock. With great dismay we realize that we are in trouble. Our prayers and time in the word can feel murky and dusty. We are parched but refuse to drink from His presence. To do so will mean coming face to face with the very reason we are in the Dry Season.
Is this season a punishment? Is it a time of testing? Is it a result of not attending more carefully to our relationship with Jesus, and finding ourselves isolated from others? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe all, maybe none. To dwell on the ‘why’ is to miss the most important thing to remember about the Dry Season.
1 It. Will. End. There is no Dry Season that has ever happened in my life that has stayed. Inevitably, the rains do come; the streams of rejoicing return.
2 The only way out is face time with Jesus. Whatever got us here, sin, anger, loneliness, a lack of word or fellowship, or disappointment in others, ALL these things become small in the presence of He who loves us most, and best.
3 When God does send the rains again, we must prepare our hearts to meet that outpouring so that we can be FILLED to overflowing and soak up Every. Single. Drop. We want to…we NEED to be saturated with all that God wants to give us.
In order to become saturated, we must prepare. We must, as they did in times of old, ‘make these valleys full of trenches.’ (II Kings 3:16-!7) The Rain is coming!

~ Debbie Ecker