“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8 NASB One of the benefits of a lifetime of walking with the Lord is a continual opportunity/invitation to be cleansed. His word, His forgiveness, His magnanimous invitation to come boldly to the throne of grace to find help are the things that […]
Recent News for ‘General’
Throughout the year, we continue to provide teaching and training to a group of hungry students in the Emmanuel Theological Seminary School of Missions (ETS) in Kalaymyo, Myanmar. Although teaching remotely it settings like these has its own set of challenges the rewards are immeasurable. The lives of those being trained hold a great deal […]
Somewhere in your journey as a follower of Christ when the penny [drops so to speak] and you begin to notice that your life [or some areas of your life] are either being driven [or strongly influenced] by unmet needs or by a set of core values. Those unmet needs [and we all have them] […]
This past month we got word that our very dear friend Dr. George Rooney, went on to be the Lord. His death was sudden and he will be sorely missed by all those who loved and know him. He leaves behind a legacy for the gospel in Thailand, and in many parts of the world. […]
“My eyes are continually toward the Lord, For He will pluck my feet from the net.” Psalm 25:15 NASB We are at the beginning cusp of a new year: a 12 month period that will hold for us..What? What challenges, what joys? What pain, what pleasure? What laugher? What tears? America, by its mere youthfulness […]
I have always looked forward to these nature seasonal changes that occur on an annual basis like the crossing over into a brand-new-year! And once again we find ourselves on the threshold of a new chapter that is opening in our lives as we approach 2024. This journey of faith that we’re on often times […]