The Christmas season is always an exciting time for many if not all of the churches in Thailand, in just about every area that has a church. Special gatherings like these pretty much have something for everyone to learn about the true meaning of Christmas in a culture where the that is not always known. […]
Recent News for ‘General’
Christmas here was sweet, we had our dear Josiah with us for eight whole days! What a joy and a delight to have him with us! He was able to reconnect with lots of family here in Pittsburgh. He and Dan were able to do some shooting at the range with Josiah’s cousin David. The […]
“When I was brought low, He saved me.” Psalm 116:6b NIV There are two great ‘seasons’ which are celebrated by the church world wide. One is Lent, the six weeks leading up to Holy Week and the Passion of the Christ, leading to Easter. The other is Advent, a quiet, contemplative time “Where meek souls […]
It’s Christmas ya’ll! That time of year when Christians from all of the world take time to celebrate the first Advent, [the coming of the Lord] who came to save us from our sins! (See Matt 1:21-23) Emmanuel – God with us! What an amazing thought! I can remember my very first Christmas after giving […]
Another holiday season is upon us! Our sweet Josiah is coming to be with us for a whole week! What a blessing! Also, this will be the first Christmas since the passing away of four of our beloved family: my brother, Ted, Dan’s brother Chuck, our sis in law, Julie and my dear mother. We […]
“But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You.” Psalm 5:7 NASB My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Through the years we would prepare to open our home to friends, sharing the blessings of coming together to give thanks. In Scotland […]