There are moments in life when an impasse occurs that requires a change in the way you think about and interpret the world around you. Old patterns of thought are replaced by new ones as our experience and knowledge base changes. Our assumptions about how life works requires a new perspective to challenge the underlying […]
Recent News for ‘General’
There are places in your journey as followers of Christ that holds more relational meaning than others [for a multiple of reasons] most of which has very little to do with the place as much as it is the people that you meet a long the way. The history of the friendship that we share […]
Over the 4th of July, Dan and I went out to South Bend Indiana, to visit my Mom, who turned 93 on June 29th. It was a wonderful time. She and I were able to sit quietly together on the couch remembering and singing [something that we enjoy doing as often as we can] reflecting […]
“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will do it.” I Thessalonians 5:24 NASB I celebrate this month a most sacred anniversary. For it was 40 years ago this month that I graduated from the Dayspring Christian Bible School. At age 25, I stepped out into this great big world and turned my […]
I want to take this moment to honor a faithful follower of Christ, my wife Deborah Graham Ecker as she celebrates 40 years in ministry this month. She is the one person in my world for nearly four decades now who has impacted me the most. I could not be the person I am today […]
Every picture tells a story, and this picture reminds me of one of the most impactful relationships in 40 years of missions. My dear Lily Philip, wife of Pastor Philip, mother of 10 and a multitude of orphans over the years. Her life of devoted prayer, loving, joyful service to others was a standard I […]