The scripture tell us that there is a time and a season for every event under heaven. (Ecc.3:1). These are the strategic moments in our lives when what was intended to happen comes to pass. Its as if divine order takes over and God’s perfect will comes in and a seasonal change occurs. A season […]
Recent News for ‘General’
Make no mistake. The Lord is doing a GREAT thing among young people in this generation. I have never been more encouraged for the future of the mission of the Kingdom of God in the earth as I am when I have the chance to meet with, share with, pray with and worship with this […]
“… So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” Isaiah 61:3d NAS I have always enjoyed being in the woods. The smell of dirt, leaves and acorns are all very familiar to me from since I was young. I guess growing up in western Pennsylvania, […]
Join us this month September 5th-15th as I (Dan) travel with Chuck Lenhart (Frontier Harvest Ministries (FHM) and a small team from Covenant Church of Pittsburgh to train national workers there. The trainings will be set up in three different training centers. The plan is to spend two to three days at each location and […]
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Romans 10:15c NAS There is a certain humility when one is barefoot. It is Asian custom when entering a house or a place of worship, to remove one’s shoes. This simple daily ritual would become probably the greatest teaching point of Jesus’ time with […]
Another amazing moment for our team was to participate in a three day Pastors Conference for Pastors and Evangelists. Close to 150 were deeply ministered to by the word, the worship, prayer and the Presence of God. I (Dan) was one of the main speakers along with Pastor Jordan, Pastor EJ from the U.S. as […]