“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:17 NKJV We are living in the greatest time of communication that the earth has ever known, perhaps since the days of the tower of Babel. Several major languages, English being […]
Recent News for ‘General’
God is continually growing me deeper to trust Him. In January, my boyfriend, Benjamin and I went on a Mission Trip to Mexico with a group of young adults. Before this trip, Benjamin heard from God that we were to be married in March of 2021. Both of us thought this was too soon, but […]
As the country of Myanmar continues to encounter economic and civil unrest; preparations are underway for another academic year to start soon for the students in the Emmanuel Theological Seminary (ETS) in Kalaymyo. We are in the process of curriculum development and teacher training. Regular Zoom trainings are taking place with the core leadership and […]
A repetitive theme that you find throughout the Scriptures is one of “staying power.” That ability to remain when everyone else departs. In fact, that is the exact Greek definition of the word hypostasso or “endurance” that you will find in James 1:4, and in Hebrews 12:2. In both these texts; the Scriptures imply that […]
After nearly 18 months we were blessed to be able to go visit my dear Mother in South Bend where she lives with family. So many hugs and so much joy! She will turn 91 this month! Also, Dan and I just celebrated 34 years of marriage and ministry side by side. We are so […]
“When the day of Pentecost had fully come, …” Luke Acts 2:1a NKJV Pentecost. The day when we who receive, no matter our tribal name, join with that first group of 120 believers who gathered in the Upper Room. Waiting. Watching. Praying. Believing. We join them in our longing, in our heart’s cry to be […]