Learning how to live out our Christian life is a life-long-discovery of the walking out of what once was into what now is, and what wants to unfold based upon the Spirit’s leading and the unfolding of Gods’ word to us on a regular basis.
The principle of “passing from death unto life” as recorded in John 5:24 has a lot more to do with the totality of our Christian experience than we like to think it does. The passing from death unto life is a constant journey of walking out of dead things as the resurrected life of Christ dwells in us; the waking out of the old and into the new; the being called out of darkness into his marvelous light and more! (See Romans 8:11; I John 4:4; Galatians 2:20; Acts 17:28) “The path of life leads upward for the wise; they leave the grave behind.” Prov. 15:24 NLT
~ Dan Ecker