How many times in life have we heard that phrase: “Trust the process”? I used to think that phrase was meant for those who were so clear of their destination of where they were going that the whole idea of “the process” of how they got there really didn’t matter.
For some, as long as the destination was clear the idea of “the process” isn’t that important to them. However, some may fail to see is that the whole idea of “the process” is equally important as the destination of where you are headed and in some cases even more so.
This phrase is often times used when you are going through something that you know is right or that you are being led in a certain way but because of some of the twists and turns of life [for a multitude of reasons] you are not so sure.
That’s when it’s time to “trust the process.” You see, who we become in “the process” on the way to our destination is determined by the One we are beholding along the way. (* See II Cor 3:18; Rom 8:29; II Cor 4:17-18)
~ Dan Ecker