Travel Plans…Ministry Platforms
Projects & Ministry Platforms:
Firstlight International is committed to bringing fulfillment to the great commission through evangelism, discipleship and church planting. This is being done through a good number of projects and ministry platforms geared towards: Health, Education, Moral, Economics, and Community Development.
As Thailand continues to be a primary country where Firstlight is focused, projects like: Families Without Fathers (FWF), REAP: Regional Education Assistance Program, and The Firstlight Fellowship Church Network, we are bringing Christ into rural areas across Thailand that have very little or no gospel witness in their communities. New churches are being planted among responsive people.
1st & 2nd Quarter 2015 Travel Plans:
Plans are in place that will take us through the first and second quarters of 2015 with opportunities to serve in the following four countries:
China: First up is China February 4-9th. Chuck Lenhart (Frontier Harvest Ministries) and their national team along with I (Dan), will conduct training to close to 200 national workers for evangelism and church planting.
Thailand: February 9-14th. Working with our Firstlght Fellowship Church Network, and partner ministries in the north, northeast of Thailand. Families Without Fathers (FWF) Family Camp March 31-April 5th.
Myanmar: February 15-20th we will be in Kalaymayo, Myanmar to participate in the graduation ceremony of the Emanuel Theological Seminary of Missions. The school has decided to give me (Dan) an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.
Laos: An E5 Project training for church planting among 40 nation workers April 6-10th. This will be a strategic time of training and spiritual gift impartation.
Let’s do this together in 2015! Your part is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
~ Dan Ecker