On this particular day we had a remarkable opportunity of teaching a two day seminar to about 40 local church leaders in the Agape Baptist Church, in Kaylaymyo, Myanmar. Debbie taught amazingly well on how to believe God for miracles, signs and wonders from the life of Christ, and from the story of the feeding of the five thousand.
Each time we go, we continue to walk through the doors of training that the Lord is opening up to us in this amazing place. The country of Myanmar is definitely on our Holy Spirit radar screen over the next 1-3 years. Our goal is to DREAM …. To participate with the Lord in bringing this nation into it’s eternal destiny by: Praying for and evangelizing the lost. Engaging the church. Equipping Leaders. Sending workers. Going to the unreached. Planting new churches. Pursuing educational needs and health care opportunities. Advancing the Kingdom.
~ Dan Ecker