The Word Works!

On February - 25 - 2017

One day a friend said to me, “The Word Works”. I have found if you work the Word of God into your life, and the work of the Word of God will begin to lead and transform everything you are doing. The problem is when we don’t work the Word of God into our situations; then things don’t work out as He planned.

When we speak and act in His timing, the word given to us begins to work its way out to the surface of our life, and it works! It’s like bread dough, you must work it before it can go to the next level of waiting for it to rise, and take it’s form. Once the dough has come into its full risen state, then it’s put into the final process of being baked and served. His plans begin to unfold right before your very eyes, the very thing we envisioned begins to take shape and a great harvest is realized in what you have set out to do.

When Firstlight International, and Frontier Harvest Ministries set out to reach Northern Myanmar this is exactly what we did. We began to speak the Word of God over the work and the people involved. As we did this His leading, resources, and strategies began to surface and be implemented into the work, and lives of the wonderful ministers we work with in Myanmar. 2016 was a real harvest year among the targeted group of the Pulang people. We have now broken through 48 villages with the gospel, and have nearly one hundred new convert! Praise the Lord! God’s Plan is Working! You know why? I’ll tell you why, because the Word work’s when you put it into action. When you follow through, and not give up no matter what, His Word ties itself to the work, and the work gains great momentum and accomplishes what it has been sent out to accomplish.

In 2017 we are looking forward with great hope of a multiplying movement of Pulang churches popping up everywhere like tender shoots coming up through the ground in springtime. Now that we have the raw matter in new converts, the real work begins in discipleship 101. During the months of March, May, September, October and November, we will continue to train, and send our church planters into new villages, and circuit the net-work of new convert villages for visitation and oversight of the work at grass roots level. A great work has begun.

~ Chuck Lenhart

Categories: Board Member Articles

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