…“giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.” Colossians 1:12 NASB

When I go through the memories of our lives, there are so many, so very many times and people who make my heart swell with gratefulness. Times when I/we were vulnerable, out of our depth, and God sent just the right people to make us feel better. Safe. Loved.
One such time was our first day of moving into our home in Chiangmai as a family in 1999. We had just said goodbye to family and friends in the US, all who were near and dear to us. We would not see any of them for a full two years.
Josiah was 8, ready to enter 3rd grade. We did not speak the language and the vast majority of every single person we came in contact with did not speak English. We had rented a house, signed all the documents and made plans to move all of our things from the hotel and our boxes that had arrived from overseas into our new home.
We were feeling overwhelmed. Leaning on the Lord and the strength of our decision to move here, learn a new country, a new culture, a new language, a new people. But.
We felt…lonely.
Just then, we heard familiar voices calling out our names. In ENGLISH? Who was calling us? There, with a pick up truck poised and ready to get all of our things…were…dear, dear friends. Mark Geppert. Ken and Lisa Starkey and their two sons unknown to us were visiting friends in the city. Laughing at our shock. Our joy at seeing them. Believe me there were some happy tears in my eyes.
God knew. He knew JUST what we needed to have a happy moving day. Our first day. We needed a home team welcome wagon. And that is just what we got. Josiah was over the moon as well to have two teenage ‘brothers’ to scope out his new hometown with. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
There is something magnificent in gratitude. True gratitude comes from a deep place, and can change our outlook immediately. It can surprise us by its power.
In this season of Thanksgiving, I pray that we can reflect on the many, many times God has surprised us with exactly what…and who, we needed to see us through. And that in those memories our faith and joy would rise to find new things, and people to thank Him for.

~ Debbie Ecker