One of the promises that we have as believers in Christ is to know and to recognize the leading of the Spirit in our lives. (See Romans 8:14)
The promise of the Father [the Holy Spirit] is meant to dwell in us. Rom 8:11-16; I Cor 3:16 His role is to teach us, guide us, to comfort – to help us, to reveal Jesus to us, and to disclose to us things to come and so much more. John 14:16-17; John 15:26; John 16:12-13
In other words that we might know the things freely given to us by God. I Cor 2:9-16 To know the Father through the Son by the Spirit.
The Spirit’s role, too, is to teach us how to pray. Rom 8:26-27
Watch for the Spirit’s leading this week. Pay attention to your thoughts, impressions and your assumptions as you pray. Be observant about your feelings and your emotions.
Ask the Lord to bring to speech the things that are in line with His word and His will. Observation + Action = Results.

~ Dan Ecker