Photo Credit: Theophilos Papadopoulos Creative Commons
There seems to be a sweet fragrance exuded, or aura radiated, from Believers who are completely surrendered to the Lord. You can often recognize them by their Galatians 5 fruit. It’s a brother-in-law who has asked the Lord for joy in the midst of intense struggle with an illness. It’s a son who moves his family into a blighted urban neighborhood, bringing peace and reconciliation through incarnational relationship. It’s a 65-year-old Caucasian mentor from the suburbs faithfully meeting every week with an inner city 12-year-old African American mentee. It’s a daughter who visits the shut-ins in her church community, expressing acts of kindness and love. It’s a mother who faithfully prays, patiently waiting for that phone call from her only son who has separated himself from the family. It’s a teacher who responds to an angry and rebellious student with gentleness and self-control.
Firstlight International is a ministry totally sold out to the Lord from its inception. If it were a tree, it would be pregnant with ripe fruit with names like FWF, SEKA, MEDIT, REAP, RH, and KAT (Those are the names of a few Firstlight projects and ministry planforms.) Children who never knew the love of an earthly father experience the love of their heavenly Father. Mothers steeped in poverty are receiving a hand to start up a micro-business to help feed their families. Communities in remote parts of Thailand are getting much needed eye care. Promising students who lack the means are getting an opportunity to better their lives through education assistance. Homes that are falling apart are getting repaired. Communities of new Believers are popping up everywhere. Knowing Christ, loving him, living for him – this is what surrendered life is all about; this is what produces fruit.
~ Kirk McCabe