“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said.” Matthew 28:6 NASB

“He is not here” are four of the most glorious words in the entire New Testament. They were spoken to a small group of women, faithful friends who had not abandoned Him like the others during His tortuous crucifixion and death. They rose before dawn to go and anoint their beloved Teacher’s body, to fulfill Jewish tradition. They braved facing any Roman guards to come and minister to his dead body.
“He is not here.” Imagine the confusion, turning to fear, turning to…what? They fell to the ground in front of beings whose clothes shone brighter than the sun. “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” The angels asked them.
Turning to…joy. Glorious, radiant joy. Joy brighter and louder and more life changing than anything that had happened leading to this moment in their lives. They had seen Jesus heal the sick, had seen Him raise the dead. He had fed multitudes. But when it came His time to need deliverance, to be rescued from the cruel lash, be saved from the humiliation of being stripped naked and hung on a cross, there was no deliverance. He who was the very definition of Power and Life became at once humble and obedient, even to death on a cross.
This was the darkest night of their collective souls. They mourned what they could not prevent. They grieved what they could not keep. Now, this joyful revelation of Christ’s resurrection filled them with joy unspeakable.
Later He would appear to them and to the others. In Corinthians Paul writes that Christ appeared to over 500 men and women after His resurrection from the dead. At the time Paul wrote those words, he said that most of those people were still living!
Beloved. The very center of the heart of the gospel is this most important event, both cosmically and spiritually and historically in the history of humanity. Jesus Christ, who was crucified and died, has risen from the dead. He is a Risen Savior. He is alive forevermore!
Through His death He conquered sin. By His resurrection He conquered death, which He called, “the last enemy.” This is such amazing good news.
For the resurrection of Jesus Christ is, indeed, the Son Rise of our souls. The call to life of every living breathing soul who has ever lived. Love was nailed to the cross on that Good Friday millennia ago. Life, and life more abundantly walked out of that Tomb on that first Easter morning. He is risen!
He is risen, indeed!

~ Debbie Ecker