One of the major themes in the Bible is that: He makes all things new! This is not just meant to be for when we first give our lives to Christ and become “born again.” The fact is God is always up to something new, something fresh and alive! The challenge for us is not to allow ourselves to plateau in our Christian walk or in our service to Him, but to live in a constant state of renewal – being changed into His glory and likeness, not allowing ourselves to settle for what is, or for what once was, but to reach out for something new, something fresh in the things of God.
In this season, join us as we seek God for renewed strength, fresh strategies, for a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit, a fresh passion for prayer, and for worship. Also, for a fresh passion for souls, a renewed brokenness before God, a renewed sense of His Presence, fresh ears to hear and a fresh eye to see.
Allow yourself to be renewed today. It begins with a desire to change and a commitment to reach out to God for something fresh!
~ Dan Ecker