Direct Impact church planting is the major reason that causes Apostolic Breakthrough Moments to occur. By hearing from God where to go, and who to connect with in the harvest, brings you directly to the front line of the mission field to see where, and how God wants to move in a particular people, and […]
Join us on a Journey to Advance the Kingdom in 2018 and Beyond! Today begins another twelve month cycle of missionary service with a great team of dedicated people just like you. Debbie and I are extremely hopeful for what is about to unfold in each of our lives. Your partnership each month in prayer […]
Project FWF & REAP in Thailand One of our major goals for 2018 is to grow our Families Without Fathers (FWF) project, and Project REAP: Regional Education Assistance Program in two new locations in Thailand, by adding 20 children from fatherless homes this year! The plan is to begin placing these projects in local Thai […]
After most of a lifetime of walking with Jesus, I have an abundance of ‘favorite’ scriptures. ‘Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding,’ was first; and was truly transformative to my young life. ‘Godliness with contentment is great gain,’ was another I clung to early […]
In Genesis chapter sixteen we find an amazing story of God’s incredible grace in the life of Hagar, Sarah’s maid. As this story begins, we know that Abraham and Sarah were promised: ‘and in you, and in your seed, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’ (See Gen.12:3, 15:1-6) That promise we know […]
During last month’s Global Training Platforms that took place in China, with Frontier Harvest Ministries (FHM) our team taught through a good number of training sessions (4 sessions per day, for three days in one location and 4 sessions per day, for four days in the second location) as national church planters and leaders gathered […]