A new generation is rising up in Thailand. As I stood before this congregation of a growing church in Thailand, I was amazing by the hunger for God that I felt in the room coming from this younger crowd of Christ followers. They were passionate, prayerful, alert, and spiritually engaged not only in worship and […]
“When He puts forth all His own, He goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow Him because they know His voice.” John 10:4 NAS Each year, at year’s end, Dan and I seek the Lord for a special word, or guidance for the upcoming year. In 2017 I felt the Lord speak two things: […]
Winter in Pennsylvania is one of our favorite times. That may sound crazy, and sometimes I think we are crazy for loving it, but between the clean, white snow everywhere, bundling up in sweaters and coats and cuddling near toasty fires, we find it a place of quiet and renewal. Like caterpillars that spin dark […]
A fresh and Blessed New Year 2018 Firstlight Family! It is a joy to write to you this month and share more of the goodness found in our Father’s Heart. How powerful it is when you know who your Father is! How confident you become when you know that your Father loves you, and has […]
I don’t know how many of you might be feeling the same as me. At first, my start to 2018 didn’t appear to be as exciting as I thought it would. I almost get the impression as if something is missing. But what could it be? Discussing this with a trusted friend recently, we discovered […]
“Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 NAS Heaven’s mandate is when God’s will manifests here on earth, even as it is in heaven. It is when the Kingdom of God interacts with the lives of men and women around the world in real time and […]