It is my honor to write the personal note this month! The month of May has always been a very special month for me, and of course for Debbie also. Maybe many of you may already know why that is. On May 29, 1987 Debbie and I were married! This month we celebrate 31 years! […]
New Testament Arks of the Covenant, that’s Who We are. We are Attack Lambs. New Testament, Temples of the Holy Spirit – Arks of the Covenant of God if you will. Ready at any moment to defend and expose and activate the Word of God to neutralize the devil and his hoard of vipers set […]
“Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.” I Corinthians 16:13 NLT When I was very near giving birth to my son with a circumference of dizzying proportion, I decided to take a walk through my small town. I waddled down main street, the spring air lifting my spirits. As I […]
Highlights from Thailand… This was a most remarkable opportunity in Thailand. During the first part of my time there, I (Dan) taught four sessions on Understanding Times & Seasons at the Z-Gen Church in Chonburi, with Pastor Daniel, his wife Ooy, and their congregation. From there I went on to teach another three evening sessions […]
Myanmar Highlights… The person on the left is Pastor Joseph Deih Lian. He and his wife Lydia are pioneer church planters in Yangon, Myanmar’s capital city. I (Dan) was invited to teach a three day Thanksgiving & Equipping Seminar as Victory Community Church celebrated its 11th Year Anniversary. Together we equipped 40 plus church members […]
A biblical response for reaching children and families for Christ. One of our core objectives in 2018 is to provide Care For Kingdom Families: A biblical response for reaching children at risk and children and families from fatherless homes for Christ. * From Fatherless Homes: This is being done through Families Without Fathers, FWF, project […]