Eternal Investments with Earthly and Heavenly Rewards
Anyone making an investment knows they invest wanting to make a high return on whatever they invest in. But before one invests they research whatever market they are investing in, if it be stocks, real state, or whatever; we look for a safe place to make our money grow. So, it is with the Kingdom of God.
I always tell people to invest in projects that are people, purpose driven that count for eternity. Projects that have an eternal ticket of value on them. In James it says: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
This seems to have high eternal value in God’s economy. To take care of distressed broken-down people is something God finds great value in. Jesus himself was anointed to heal the sick, set demoniacs free, brought relief to the pain and suffering of the world. He invested his whole life going about doing good and preaching that the eternal kingdom of God was at hand. Jesus said to the rich young roller: “go and sell all you have and give it to the poor”. Unfortunately, this young man spent all his time investing on earthly gain, so when a different kind of investment came down the pipeline, he missed the boat on his heavenly investment and return.
I tell you, when you invest in people, purpose driven projects they return great reward here on earth and in heaven. It’s about people and their eternal value. God wishes that none perish, but all have a chance to be set free and live in the God given purpose for their lives. These are kingdom first partnership investments of time, money, sweat, and tears to see the kingdom of God effect those without him, those suffering sickness, those starving to death, those who are the oppressed and crushed of the world.
Firstlight is a great example of kingdom first. If it be helping Buddhist influenced people get free, doing eye clinics, gospel radio broadcasts or taking care of children at risk in Northern Myanmar, Firstlight is a Kingdom first eternal investment ministry that brings great value and return in the people they are touching for Christ!
Join us as we partner with the Lord to reach more souls!
~ Chuck Lenhart