Have you ever noticed on your journey as a follower of Christ that no matter what stage you are in or how long you have been a believer that there is always room for more of Jesus in our lives. No matter how much you have [which is all of Him by the Spirit] or […]
Debbie and I (Dan) are happy to announce that these two servants of God (Natthika Messiahwong & Jason Roby) were married earlier this year in The House of the Lord Church, in Phuket, Thailand. As Mr. & Mrs. Roby they are co-leading the Rapha Ministries Church in Phuket, with worship services on Sunday and a […]
Thailand is a nation that desperately needs Jesus. Throughout the country there are those who are “standing in the gap” in prayer to see a fresh move of God in each of the 76 provinces in the four main regions: North, North East, Central and South. Cries for revival, renewal, and restoration can be heard […]
The reports of what the Lord is doing through Firstlight in Thailand, each month is encouraging and we are so blessed to be a part of it. Projects like Families Without Fathers (FWF) and Project REAP (Regional Education Assistance Program) are helping children, families and young adults from fatherless homes. Thank you for helping to […]
“for through Him [Jesus] we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.” Eph 2:18 NASB Three major events are universally celebrated by the Church: Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost. These three events, the birth of Christ the Savior into a lowly cattle stall, His triumph over sin and death, then joyous Resurrection from […]
One of the many promises that we have since that first Pentecost until now is a Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit said to occur “upon all flesh” that has the potential of affecting every single person on planet earth when it comes! (See Acts 2:17-21; Joel 2:28) What started off as “I am […]