
On October - 15 - 2024

“In him [Jesus] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses” … Ephesians 1:7a ESV

Atonement is word for our times. It means to be forgiven and reconciled. It is an old word, from English in the early 1500’s to express: at – one – meant. It is marked by making reparations for wrongs done to another. In a religious context, it means removing obstacles to reconciliation with God. For atonement BRINGS reconciliation, both with God and with others.

I remember the earliest years of my walk with Jesus. My pastor and his wife had been raised in the Baptist tradition, then later had deep encounters with the Holy Spirit which changed the church’s direction and even the worship style. Hands raised, eyes closed, sometimes clapping, sometimes shouting. I guess you could have described us as “Bapti-costal?” We were filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Our song service was at least one uninterrupted hour long! We thought this was completely normal.

We were a congregation of people who were hungry for God, hungry for His presence, and fully aware of the forgiveness we had received through the forgiveness of our sins. We were a peculiar people who had been called to show forth the praises of HIM who had called us out of darkness and into the glorious light of the kingdom of His dear Son. I can still hear my pastor’s wife, Gloria, her sweet voice singing songs of atonement that marked that era:

“He paid a debt, He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay,
I needed Someone to wash my sins away,
And now I sing a brand new song: Amazing Grace!
Christ Jesus paid the debt, that I could never pay…”

“I’m not my own…I belong to Jesus
I’m not my own…I’m His.
Bought with a price, the blood of Jesus…
I’m not my own…I’m His.”

Beloved. This a season to call to mind the times when our faith was young, and to take stock of our lives. With God’s help, remove every obstacle to being AT ONE with the Lord. Are we struggling in our hearts? Has the root of bitterness crept in to rob us of the joy of our salvation? Then do the first works again, putting away all vain and vile conversation and embrace the beautiful reconciliation we have with God in Christ. Be cleansed! Be whole again! And then watch and see the Lord work on your behalf to bring reconciliation to the rest of your life.

~ Debbie Ecker

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You can help Firstlight to finish strong in 2024 by sowing a “Year-End” financial gift today! Total Project Giving Goal: $55,000 We are putting together our project budgets and costs for 2025. A one-time “Year-End” financial gift of any size will help us to manage our financial commitments over the next 12 months. ~ Dan […]

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Thank you for your prayers and financial giving in 2021! For all that Firstlight International is doing in Thailand, and the nations surrounding this year you, too, have a part in all that is taking place! Thank you! The projects and ministry platforms that are in place are bringing forth wonderful fruit in the places […]

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Your prayers and financial giving this year will enable us to pursue a good number of projects and ministry platforms in 2021. With your help this year we are engaging in Kingdom Advance Partnerships with overseas national church leaders and ministries, providing Care For Kingdom Families in selected areas of Thailand, [through projects like REAP […]

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