Dan and I were SO blessed to get away for over a week to Lake Erie! Our first vacation in well over a decade and we were blessed to go to a place that holds happy memories for us. We love to set our beach chairs up right on the water’s edge and when we […]
“When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, O Lord, I shall seek.” Psalm 27:8 NASB Years ago, the Lord led me on a path toward a deeper place of knowing Him. So often in our walk with God, we seek Him for His help, for His plan, for His […]
The reports of what the Lord is doing in Phuket, Thailand are encouraging. Our partnership each month with the Rapha Healing Center is bringing the message of healing and deliverance to selected communities in the region with regular outreaches and services. Just this past month we were able to secure rent deposits for a new […]
We are privileged to bring Christ into fatherless homes in selected areas across Thailand in 2022. Our Families Without Fathers (FWF) project and Project REAP – Regional Education Assistance Program continues to make great strides each month with forty (40) plus children and young adults in six locations. Your prayers and financial giving each month […]
One of the many promises that we have in Scripture is one of life and having life in abundance. (See John 10:10; Rom 6:23; Rom 8:1-5; John 6:63; John 5:24 and more!) This, too, can be referred to as having the life of God – or you could say having the God kind of life […]
We reached another milestone in our family as my Mom turned 92 towards the end of last month. It was a bit of a challenge getting out there this time [long story] but we made it and we had a nice time with a few of my family members as we celebrated Mom’s birthday. Lots […]