Our partnership with the Rapha Healing Center in Phuket, Thailand is bringing forth wonderful fruit each month. The new church plant there is going well. The Sunday services are well attended with regular outreaches and special trainings take place monthly. The move to a new location earlier this year is proving to be a sacred […]
Our role as core trainers and academic advisors to the Emmanuel Theological Seminary (ETS) in Kalaymyo, Myanmar has created a global partnership to advance the kingdom through Christian education. There thirty plus students being trained this academic year. In January 2023 nine students will graduate with Bachelor Degrees in Leadership & Biblical Studies. We are […]
It shouldn’t take us very long to figure out that as followers of Christ we are on a journey of transformation, of being conformed into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. (See Rom 8:26-29; Col 3:10-11) All that the first Adam lost in the garden [his relationship with God was distorted; man’s authority was […]
What a glorious autumn it has been! We have tried to enjoy it as much as possible. Just a heads up, Dan will be heading back to Thailand this month, and our teams Thai coworkers are SO excited to see him in person! He will speak in several churches, visit our Firstlight projects and scope […]
“For in Him we live and move and have our being…” Acts 17:28a NEV I often get my inspiration for spiritual direction and understanding by looking into the ways the first generation church handled themselves in the early years of Christianity. After all, they had very little for them: no money, no place in society. […]
One of our strategic objectives of Firstlight is to provide Care For Kingdom Families. This is being done each month in six locations across Thailand with projects like Families Without Fathers (FWF) and REAP Regional Education Assistance Program and more! In partnerships with several Thai churches we are bringing Christ to fatherless homes by providing […]