In the course of life [if you are like me] I’m sure you may have heard it said that: “Timing is everything.” I’m not quite sure who invented the phrase even though it might be a bit extreme it does help one to discover those moments in life when it really does come down to a person being in the right place at the right time.
Those moments in life when you have a sense of knowing something significant wants to unfold even though you do not have all the details.
This could be what the Scriptures describe as a kairos moment. An opportune time or a favorable time. (See Gal 4:4; Acts 2:1; Ps. 31:15; Eccl 3:1)
These moments are never without a slight sense of uncertainty – often times masked as excitement or even with a little bit of nervousness. However, that’s when faith kicks in. With the right amount of information bathed in prayer, an informed decision is made by the leading of the Spirit and God’s plan unfolds in remarkable ways. (See Heb 11:1; II Cor 5:7; Mark 11:23; Prov 16:9)
~ Dan Ecker