“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:4 NKJV It was the dawn of what historians now call the “Christian Era.” (CE). Formerly known as AD or Anno Domini. (In the year of our Lord.) Such terms should give […]
How many of you have heard it said: “Opportunities of a life time only last as long as the life time of the opportunity” – Author unknown. Although the originator of this phrase may be unknown to some it serves as a motivator for each of us to start to pay attention to certain events […]
Every Sunday throughout the year worship services like these are taking place. The Rapha Ministries Church in Phu Ket, Thailand is bringing Christ to many across the city. Weekly outreaches to several surrounding areas are taking place is selected areas. Children, youth and young adults in each of these communities are hearing about Jesus. This […]
Next month begins another academic year for the Emmanuel Theological Seminary (ETS) in Kalaymyo, Myanmar. Another 30 first year students are being enrolled. PTL! We are renewing our commitments to serve this university for another year. Our role as academic advisers and trainers will enable us to teach regular classes from a wide range of […]
This month Dan and I will celebrate 36 years of marriage. What a wonderful journey it has been! And by God’s grace, we can say that love is not only still present, but growing deeper and brighter. And, OH. The laughing. So many things strike us as funny these days and the laughter comes and […]
“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said.” Matthew 28:6 NASB “He is not here” are four of the most glorious words in the entire New Testament. They were spoken to a small group of women, faithful friends who had not abandoned Him like the others during His tortuous crucifixion and […]