August has always been special for me. My birthday and my fathers only days apart. The end of summer and the cusp of something new. I always thought of it as the end of a year. This wonderful August our sweet boy came to stay with us for 10 WHOLE DAYS and took a trip […]
The only constant in our physical world is that everything gets old. The new paint job on the house after a few decades will peel away as will the oil treatment on the driveway. New cars eventually find a reason to give up the ghost and be replaced. Crops left unharvested in the fields will […]
There are moments in life when an impasse occurs that requires a change in the way you think about and interpret the world around you. Old patterns of thought are replaced by new ones as our experience and knowledge base changes. Our assumptions about how life works requires a new perspective to challenge the underlying […]
It was good to be back with the folks of the Z Gen Church, in Chonburi, Thailand earlier this year. Pastors Daniel, Ooy, and their team are bringing this church into a greater understanding of knowing God as Father. This was one of their annual training and equipping conferences where we discovered that the true […]
There are places in your journey as followers of Christ that holds more relational meaning than others [for a multiple of reasons] most of which has very little to do with the place as much as it is the people that you meet a long the way. The history of the friendship that we share […]
Over the 4th of July, Dan and I went out to South Bend Indiana, to visit my Mom, who turned 93 on June 29th. It was a wonderful time. She and I were able to sit quietly together on the couch remembering and singing [something that we enjoy doing as often as we can] reflecting […]