Yes, God has an army that is being raised up and scattered all through the land. This year we are planning four major sendings in Inner Mongolia, Southern Si Chuan, Tibetan region, and also among the Mosuo people.
We are planning on sending 100 foot soldiers for Christ in every sending. The purpose is to bring start-up breakthrough and then heavy follow-up in discipleship training and mentoring the locals to carry things to the next level. Raising locals up so that they take ownership of the great commission for their own people and region is one of our main goals in any church plant. This is one of the things on our most important lists to do. Once we have a core of strong leaders in a location, then we can build from there.
As leaders develop, the church gets bigger and bigger. In the countryside, we normally grow our churches to a hundred people or so, and then break off to a new home and do like wise. Pray that the breakthrough anointing is on our teams as they are sent forth into the great harvest fields of ethnic Buddhist influenced peoples.
Pray the blinders of religion would fall off their eyes so that they can see the glorious light of Jesus Christ!
~Chuck Lenhart
Frontier Harvest Ministries