Over this past year, we are being called upon to serve the purposes, and to help give birth to the Asia Fathering Center, (AFC) in Bangkok.
John Paul Sprecher, Missionary and Senior Leader of Forerunner Flame International (FRFI) based in Pittsburgh, together with his wife Paula are the ones who are pioneering the AFC.
Currently a mobile ministry platform consisting of seminars, mentoring opportunities and spiritual parenting among Thai Pastors, churches and Thai based ministries, the AFC is providing healing and direction to all those who have ears to hear. So far the response has been wonderful! John Paul and Paula are growing the AFC ministry team and Debbie and I both are deeply honored to be apart of it.
Coming up next month, the AFC will be holding two major conferences in Thailand. The first one called Radical Destiny on October 7th in Bangkok. The primary focus will be to call out Thailand’s youth to make a radical shift in how they see themselves, and to change their perspective towards their God given destiny! What the Father has in mind is so much greater then anything they could every dream possible.
The second conference will be October 13-15, in Chonburi, Thailand called Fathering a Nation. This will be a ground breaking power packed Holy Spirit led weekend conference totaling nine training sessions. Designed to equip the church on how to father the lost to Christ, and how to best be fathered by God. A strategic training opportunity in the life of the church in Thailand, for such a time as this.
Please join us in heart felt – faith filled prayers during these events.
~ Dan Ecker