Peace On Earth

On December - 6 - 2019

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
Luke 2:14 NKJ

One of the most celebrated greetings passed between people during the holidays is the phrase: “And on earth, peace, goodwill toward men…” Even if one is not of any religious affiliation, there is something so touching, so hopeful in these words.

If one is a student of history through the ages, or even of current events with the innumerable wars and conflicts, genocides and massacres, these words might seem like dreams that cannot come true. But these words spell out the very substance, the very dream that CAN come true.

For on that deep, dark night over two thousand years ago, these were the words that choirs of angels filled the skies with singing. The original Christmas Carol. The first Christmas greeting:

Peace on earth…goodwill towards men.

Peace is exactly the gift that Jesus brought to the world. Peace, first with God, then, with each other. Peace so great, it passes all understanding. Peace so real, because it comes from the only One who can give true peace: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Prince of Peace.

Jesus promised his disciples, ‘I leave you peace, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives. I give you MY peace.’ No amount of self-help books can give this peace, it is not of this world. It is from within by the Holy Spirit. One cannot work toward gaining this peace. One must simply receive it.

And so. The gospel. The good news, that unto us, a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given. And all of us who would receive Him would be called the children of God. Adopted into His family. Sins forgiven. Hearts healed. Love restored. And this gift of peace, when we have received it, will bring about goodwill towards men. For a heart at peace with God and himself is not likely to hate his neighbor.

This kind of peace inspires us to do good works to show the good will of the Father towards all men, and to bring glory to His name. Christian witness and missions throughout the ages testify to the truth of this. Endless stories still being written, of we, the bearers of His peace, going into the world so that they might know and receive Him, and His great gift of peace.

~ Deb Ecker

Categories: General

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