One of our annual rhythms that we have established over the past few years, is to begin the New Year with a time of seeking the Lord afresh. We do our best to slow down the pace of life [so to speak] as much as we can and to spend some extra quality time with the Lord. The month of January every year is one of those times.
For us it is a time to break out the new prayer journals to use with our daily bible reading plans being sure to take good notes on any impressions or leadings from the Lord. It is also a a time to pray over the calendars and and over all of our commitments that we are making this year: Commitments to people, places, all of our projects and ministry platforms. Asking the Lord to confirm our steps – each and every one!
This may come to no surprise; that what we are learning is that there are many others who do the same thing. Several of the churches in our area [in the Pittsburgh area] and others around the country during this time of year launch a “Daniel Fast” Prayer Campaign normally twenty-one days which helps to set the tone for the year as God’s plans and purpose begin to unfold. For us it happens like clock work!
Our home church, Covenant Church of Pittsburgh, [during this time of year] call it Times Of Refreshing (TOR) – twenty-one days of prayer and fasting setting aside selected times annually to seek the Lord afresh.
These types of TOR moments have proved to be beneficial to us each year. The Scriptures teach us that our times are in His hands! (See Ps.31:15)
Why not join us in this special time of year to seek the Lord afresh in your life? Make January 2020 a starting point. Begin by asking the Lord for fresh insight into the plans and purposes that He has for you this year!
~ Dan Ecker