How many of you can remember using an internet program called Mapquest? If you were needing to get somewhere by car that you hadn’t been to before and you didn’t want to use a road atlas or map, you could just type in your location and the address of the of where you wanted to go, and it would layout for you a series of directions for you to follow. At that time it was cutting edge technology and for the most part pretty reliable. Today, Mapquest has been replaced by Google Maps and other types of GPS devices and services. It has become my “go-to” source for driving just about anywhere!
You see, navigating our way through life has its own set of challenges. Our desire to go God’s way is not always easy to discern without our dependence on Him to get us there. We may have a sense of where that might be (with the mind man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps) becomes the premise for walking by faith as we follow the One who knows the end from the beginning. (See Prov 16:9; Isa 46:10; Isa 42:9)
~ Dan Ecker