“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33 NASB
We are often called upon to make important decisions that will impact everything in our lives; and in the heart of these decisions, ‘Will I choose to do this God’s way?”
Will I forgive when I have every right to be angry? Will I bless, or curse? Will I praise, or blaspheme? Big choices. Little choices. All participate in the building of our future selves, all shape our present reality.
Who do we wish to become? The majority of this lies within our own discretion. These decisions are the heart of opportunities to become more like Christ, more molded into His image and not our own.
In the bright cold winter of 1984, after living in the tropical heat of India I had returned to Nepal dressed only in paper thin clothes unsuited to the cold. I wore every single item I had packed: one tee shirt, one white blouse, painters pants and a light Indian smock dress over all.I was quite a sight!
I had left a trunk of heavier clothes and shoes at the orphanage months before. Now I looked forward with JOY to being reunited with my warm clothing. But it was not to be. Someone had broken into their storage and made off with all of my things! Rage passed over me. I wept. Then I fell to my knees and asked God for grace. And I heard that still small voice: “Give it to them. Bless them and give all of those things to them.”
I began to pray: Lord, thank you that I am able to give all of my possessions to those who have nothing. Please bless them and protect them and provide for them. Lord let them know Your great love for them. I bless them, Lord. I choose to bless them.” And when I stood up, all traces of rage were gone. I felt blessed and closer to God. I had overcome, His way.
When I grabbed the offered grace, I was uplifted and blessed so much the actual betrayal or theft did not leave its mark on me. I passed through the fiery furnace without a trace of the smell of smoke on my being. And I was well taken care of, beautiful big sweaters from the ‘missions barrel’ that were just my size. And orphans offering me extra blankets at night to keep me warm. They showed me the love of Christ and I humbly received because I had need of the generosity of orphans!
Kingdom Focus: Seeing things through the eyes of Him!
~ Debbie Ecker