Many years ago, while driving in China to a training venue, an old friend of mine said to me, “If I had another life to live, I would give it all to China”! It was the first time brother Dale was in China, and the spiritual hunger of the people amazed him to the point of wanting to re-live his life for God again serving China.
You see, brother Dale had already pastored, and planted mega churches in the United States successfully, and after a long life of that, stepped out and served the mission field for the last 7 to 10 years of his life. He was well paid in his mega church; life was good, and comfortable. Because Dale was a true living example of a man putting the kingdom of God first, his teaching ministry was a wonderful blessing to our work in China. He selflessly introduced many others to join our efforts, and help raise support for our ministry. He had a great perspective on the global church around the world, he had a kingdom first perspective, and saw the church as one.
Firstlight has been a wonderful kingdom first partnership with me (and our Frontier Harvest Ministries, national team) through the years. We have, and will continue to see souls saved together through the works God puts on our plate to do. I call these type of partnerships, “Kingdom First Partnerships”! Where all our endeavors for outreach are all purposeful, aimed toward people, giving glory to God, pointing nations, tribes, and peoples to the Son. These types of Kingdom First Partnerships get things done with little to no bureaucracy, and move human resources, spiritual resources, and monetary resources, where the harvest is most ripe and needed.
Just in my partnership with Firstlight alone, in the last four years in Northern Myanmar together we have been able to support, feed, clothe, and educate 40 children at risk. Raise up 60 native church planters, effecting a whole region of unreached Bulang ethnic people.
Because the interests of the Kingdom are put first, people are being reached, set free, and discovering their true purpose on earth.
~ Chuck Lenhart