Photo Credit: Martin LaBar
Creative Commons
Oh Come let us adore Him, Christ The Lord…
The gift He gave was the greatest gift anyone could ever give! He gave a family member to be served up as a sacrifice for all.
It would be like if your Dad, or Mom needed a liver transplant and you willingly gave yours up. That would mean you would have to die to save their lives. What a gift God gave, His only son Jesus Christ! The one and only of his kind! God’s greatest Christmas gift from heaven to earth. Signed sealed and delivered in a manger by the creator God of heaven. A son is born to take on the scorn of sin and sickness, the scorn of loneliness, and poverty, and face a rugged cross that would send him to the grave for three days, but death would not hold its grip on him.
Jesus gloriously rose and has all authority in heaven, and on the earth, and below the earth. Yes, He is the reason for the season, the gift of God to you and to me. Jesus is the gift that keeps giving to everyone who calls on his name.
To this end Firstlight fights the good fight of faith for the souls of men, shining His Light to all those dwelling in darkness.
Thank you for standing with us in this great work. We are ever so mindful of the part that you have in everything that is being accomplished this year.
As you celebrate the Holiday season this year may you look to heaven and say a prayer for the less fortunate of the world, and ask God to bless them and give them an opportunity to hear the name and message of Christ.
Jesus is the reason for the season in every part of the world, He is worthy to be praised.
Please do take a moment to adore Him who is Christ the Lord!
~ Chuck Lenhart