Throughout the Scriptures as believers in Christ we are encouraged to follow hard after God. A prime example of that would be King David, known as the Psalmist of Israel and a man after God’s own heart. (See Sam. 23:1-2; I Sam.13:14; Acts 13:22)
The book of Psalms [most of which were written by David] records incredible insights into his walk with the Lord. His constant battle with the Philistines shows his utmost dependance upon the Lord for guidance and how the Lord protected him. Time and time again he sought the Lord and he prospered.
His consistent hunger for the Presence of God was key to his success. Personal disappointments; set backs in relationships, his struggles with personal sin, suffering and loss did not deter him away from fulfilling his ultimate purpose and destiny in God. (See Acts 13:36)
At whatever level of fervency you feel you entered 2022, stay in hot pursuit!
~ Dan Ecker