A new year gives us a chance to pause and reflect on all that we are thankful for from the year that has passed. This year saw us break down walls in our home to make room for my parents to come and stay with us. We were not sure they even wanted to come other than to visit, but we felt led and compelled to follow this plan of action. Both were approaching 90, and both were growing increasingly frail. It was Dan who said to me while driving home from our 2017 Christmas visit with them, ‘Deb, it’s time. We need to bring your mom and dad to live with us.’ I wept. Never in a million years would I have asked this of him. For I knew it was not only taking on the added responsibility of caring for these two precious and beloved parents. He was also giving up having me travel by his side, something he and I both love.
I had been by his side, overseas, fully 6 months of the previous 12. This was no small sacrifice on his part, and his kindness and generosity of spirit made me weep. Now, as the new year dawns and both parents are safe within our home, I can truly say, we are thankful that we made this decision. We will never regret making this choice. From our home to yours, we wish you all a very blessed 2019.
~ Debbie Ecker